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What You Can Do During Bad Times

The pressure is very common to people especially if they are in the midst of their 20s. But growing up, we would not expect that it would be this hard. Now that I am turning 23 this year, it gets a bit awkward and a mix of overwhelmed feelings of worries that I might not be able to make it successful and happy. But I realize that the only source I am getting all this pressure is from myself, from what I expect of myself. And I have to stop. best forex broker malaysia have to give credit to myself for how all the achievements I have passed. Thus, during the time I have taken to fix and meditate, I would like to share the things you can do for yourself during bad times so you could help yourself as well.

Well, let us start with baby steps. You can start off with waking up and instantly appreciate the things you can find around you, such as the sunrise, the sounds of the birds chirping, and other things you can see, smell and feel. Then, you will realize a different feeling starting your day, somewhat motivated. Only then you can continue with making up your bed, so you would not have to feel miserable when you are about to sleep and it is a bit messy.

Moving on, you can do hobbies. Hobbies are not only something you do all the time. It can also mean new things. Some people enjoy baking, or cleaning, or learning new things. Believe it or not, some people enjoy cleaning. Either way, all those things are very beneficial. For example, you can start off a new hobby by being a broker Forex Malaysia, in a way, you can get profits and money. Another example, when you clean, not only can you find it therapeutic, but you can also rest up in a clean environment, you can light up the fragrance candles and enjoy reading in your living room.

Another thing is entertainment. Who does not love entertainment? Everyone does and so am I. Entertainment can mean watching movies, karaoke, and even playing games. So do that. Allocate your time like how you would allocate your money, and have time to enjoy the entertainment that is available around you such as horror movies. If you cannot go out to karaoke, forget that, buy a wireless microphone and open that karaoke version on Youtube videos, and just sing. If you do not have Astro channels or Netflix, there are many online movies you can watch for free using your phone as well.

I cannot accept if people say they are too lazy or they could not treat themselves in that way because honestly, these things I have listed are not that hard to do. It is some kind of way to start treating yourself better instead of just letting yourself being dragged down. There is completely no harm in giving yourself the love you have been craving from other people.